Make a payment
Easy, secure, online payments.
We can process payment by telephone by contacting us at 519-434-7669, or you can make a payment online. To make a payment online, press the LawPay image below. You will be taken to our secure online web payment page. If you provide an email address, a receipt will be emailed to you.
Online payments and trust deposits via LawPay are for current clients only.
Submitting a payment to our office without prior authorization from our firm does not create a solicitor/client relationship, and any payment which cannot be matched with an existing client account will be rejected.
Please call 519-434-7669 if you have any questions about how to make a payment or trust deposit.
Operating Payments
If you wish to make a payment for an outstanding operating invoice, please click below to be taken to LawPay’s secure online portal.
Please include the name of the client in the reference line.
Deposit Funds in a Trust
To make a deposit into your trust account (retainer payments), please click below to be taken to LawPay’s secure online portal.
Please include the name of the client in the reference line.